Pie & Ice Cream Social

Pie & Ice Cream Social
Thursday, April 25, 2024 (6:30 PM - 8:30 PM) (EDT)
Calling All Crafty and Gabby People
Wellington Park near Grayling is a 60-acre living history museum portraying life as it was lived here in the Midwest during the Great Depression. To portray that image in realistic terms takes people, especially people who like to sit around and talk! A perfect opportunity for retirees who enjoy meeting people and talking. Perhaps even an opportunity to pick up a few dollars.
And, crafty people, would be crafters, those who would like to learn a craft like weaving, basket making, blacksmithing, wood crafting, carving well, here’s your chance! Or, if you already have a craft and would like to offer your creations for sale and demonstrate them to the visitors, there could be a craft shop waiting for you.
Wellington Park is a non-profit organization, and it is need of people who would be willing to spend a few hours talking or crafting. To this end, and to provide an opportunity to anyone interested, Wellington Park will be hosting a free pie and ice cream social on Thursday evening, April 25 beginning at 6:30 p.m. Those attending will be given the opportunity to view park facilities, meet park personnel and have all their questions answered, while enjoying pie and ice cream! If you would like more information, please text 989 529 7331.
6944 S. Military Rd.
Grayling, MI 49738 United States